We live in a world where we can pick up our phones and literally do almost anything we want instantly. How would you feel if you didn’t have your phone and were unable to contact your family for months? How would you feel if you had to wait in line for hours to buy groceries? How would you feel if you didn’t have electricity for more than 4 months? It’s the little things in life that we take for granted everyday. Edrian Cortés recently went through some tough times in Puerto Rico when they were hit with several hurricanes late last year. Yet through it all he’s stayed positive and has kept humbly working on his goals and dreams. Edrian is a men’s wear and lifestyle influencer on Instagram. He’s amassed a sizable active audience on this platform and has worked with brands such as Young and Reckless, Golden Denim, mnml and Original Grain just to name a few. He’s currently attending college, studying marketing and with all that still has time to spend with his grandmother. We’re honored to have him on board as our NEW Marketing Director. He’s our motivation this month.
Noble: Tell us a little about yourself and what you do.
EC: First of all, I want to thank you for this amazing opportunity. My name is Edrian Rodríguez Cortés, and I’m a part-time student, fashion blogger and marketing director. I would define my style as versatile, a mixture between classic fashion and modern streetwear.
Noble: Where did you grow up and where do you currently live?
EC: I grew up in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and I’ve lived in the same neighborhood since I was a kid.
Noble: Puerto Rico was hit pretty hard with some hurricanes recently. For those of us that have never experienced one tell us a little about what happened.
EC: It was an experience that changed my life and perspective. Imagine not having electricity for 4 months, no phone signal to contact your family and doing hour-long lines to buy groceries. It was hard at first, but I learned to appreciate the privileges and resources that we have, that sometimes we take for granted.
Noble: When did you first get into men’s wear and being an influencer?
EC: I always loved fashion, even thought I wasn’t always comfortable with what I was doing. It started as a hobby where I posted my daily outfits and lifestyle on my Instagram, and it ended up bringing me countless opportunities.
Noble: You’ve had the opportunity to work with a lot of well-established brands, could you name a few of them?
EC: Some of the big brands that I’ve worked with recently are Young & Reckless, Golden Denim, mnml, Original Grain just to name a few.
Noble: What do you enjoy most about fashion?
EC: The community. I was born with the will to help, and knowing that people are getting inspired with what I do is my main motivation to keep on doing it on a daily basis.
Noble: What are some of the biggest challenges you face?
EC: Not having the resources to fully express myself. But I understand that it’s something that must be earned with time and experience. If I look back to were I started, there’s always been constant progression and I keep getting closer to my goals every day.
Noble: Many people just see the end product of your instagram post but don’t see all the work that goes on behind the scenes. Shed some light on what a typical day is like.
EC: After eating breakfast and taking a warm shower, I check my emails and Instagram messages. The hardest part for me is finding a friend who can take the pictures, since I don’t have a photographer. After that I choose the outfit and watch of that day. When picking an outfit I think about the theme and location, and the colors that I want to stand out. I go out and create new content for my personal Instagram and Noble Timepieces, and spend the rest of my time with my friends, family, on Instagram and/or planning new projects with brands. I also love taking photos, maybe that could become my next hobby... who knows?
Noble: With all the hats you wear how many hours do you work at your craft per week?
EC: About 50-60 hours. Most of the time is invested in working and studying in college, since I have to be answering messages and emails, thinking about new ideas, getting fresh inspirations, contacting brands and creating new content. It’s a fun process that I enjoy doing.
Noble: Do you have any words of inspiration or motivation you can offer anyone thinking about getting into fashion and styling?
EC: Begin with what you have! At first I didn’t have a good phone or a camera, and the money I had to buy clothes was limited. I remember when my only options were the same two jeans for all my pictures, and my clothes had to be bought from the clearance section because I couldn’t afford more. If I had waited for the “perfect” moment, I probably wouldn’t have started yet or would’ve lost a lot of opportunities for talking instead of acting. Once you put the hard work in and grow an audience, some brands might start to notice your content. Don’t be afraid to contact some brands that you love also! Choose small and big ones, tell them a brief introduction of who you are and what you do, and what you can offer them (quality content, new audience, etc.) Also, if you can find local brands that you like reach out to them as well!
Noble: What does success mean to you?
EC: For me, success is making a living out of your hobby. Living the life that you love, while also inspiring and helping others.
Noble: If you won a million dollars what would you do with it?
EC: If I win a million dollars the first thing I‘m doing is buying a plane ticket to New York and California! After that I will buy a house for my grandmother, get an apartment for myself, help some charities and invest more in what I’m doing.
Noble: What's currently at the top of your playlist?
EC: Alina Baraz and Flume! Most of my creative inspiration comes from music, and lately I’ve been feeling the chill vibes.
Noble: Anyone you would like to thank or shout-out?
EC: I want to thank all my friends and followers who have supported me since day one, to my best friend for her unconditional support and to Westley Noble for believing in my work.
Thanks so much for your time Edrian! Welcome aboard once again! You're going to be an amazing addition to the team. Feel free to follow him on instagram @edriancortes and shoot him an email at edriancortes96@gmail.com with any questions you may have for him. We have lots going on at Noble per the norm including two new watch designs and getting into our fifth retailer location. We plan on doing an update in the next two weeks on these subjects so stay tuned. Keep crushing it out there!
-NTP Team