Getting into retail stores has proven to be a lot more challenging then we had imagined. When we first approached Watch Works; a retailer in Rancho Cucamonga, we thought we were ready. Soon after meeting with the store owner, Ara, we realized we were not. But we didn’t let that stop us from moving forward. Ara took the time to explain what we needed to do to succeed in the retail space. We then spent the next six months preparing to enter the world of retail. Now that we were ready we walked back into Watch Works and could earn a spot in the store.
Just because you don’t know how to do something doesn't mean you should just throw in the towel. If you want something bad enough you’re going to have to keep going even after you hear the word no. You’ll have to take a step back and figure out what you need to do to turn that no into a yes. We have so many resources available to us and you will need to take advantage of that. Make calls, send emails, network, just get yourself out there.
Our plan is to be in ten retail stores by the end of 2018. Getting into Watch Works marks our fourth retail location and we have already made arrangements for our fifth store. We plan to expand slowly with our primary focus being California. This will allow us to fully control every aspect of our authorized retailers.
Here at Noble we are always working hard to bring you new content. We are currently designing two new watches, working on getting into more retail stores and preparing for the upcoming fair season this summer. We still can’t believe that March has come to end already but we are looking forward to seeing how this year unfolds. Until next time keep grinding and God Bless!
-Westley Noble
Founder & CEO
Westley Noble
Founder & CEO