As February comes to a close, we’ve been hard at work on several different projects and we wanted to take a few minuets to share them with you!

As we continue to grow our reach in retail, we are happy to announce our newest retailer PORT. Located in Santa Maria, which is a city in California's Central Coast region. It's known for wineries and Santa Maria-style barbecue, a local specialty.

Christopher Limon (Owner of Passport) and Armando Villafuerte have teamed up to bring exclusive quality goods inside a minimalist-shopping environment. We’re excited to be a part of Port and look forward to the grand opening! Congratulations Chris and Armando!
On the design front we have begun our very first women’s design. We hope to start the prototyping process in about a month, so stay tuned for some sneak peek photos of our progress.
If you follow us on instagram, you’ve probably seen our automotive pictures we’ve been posting. As a brand moving forward, we will be using the automotive world as inspirations for all of our designs. We’re excited to have an identity after so many years and for something to help guide our brand direction.

We would like to thank each and every one of our customers who have made a purchase from one of our 14 retailers or directly from us on our website this month. Every month we grow just a little bit more and it’s all thanks to you! Without you we would just be a sketch and a dream so thank you! Stay tuned for our next company update, keep working towards your goals and never give up
Westley Noble Founder| CEO